Lecherous family doctor, 47, who 'desecrated' a terminally

 Source:politics Views: 【BigSmall】 Time:2024-06-03 13:53:07 Number of comments:

A family doctor who 'desecrated' a terminally ill patient's final months by groping her while telling her 'I'm helping you' was today jailed for three and a half years.

Dr Mohan Babu, 47, 'abused his trust' as he hugged, kissed and fondled three vulnerable women - one of whom was dying of cancer.

In 'horrendous' acts the father of two ordered one woman - who had terminal pancreatic cancer and has since died - to take her top off before groping her.

The GP 'targeted' the three women - the youngest of whom was 19 - at the surgery where he worked alongside his doctor wife, inappropriately touching them and making 'creepy' comments.

After being convicted of four counts of sexual assault against three patients following a three week trial at Portsmouth Crown Court, Hampshire, in January, Babu was today jailed for three and a half years.

Sentencing him for the 'serious' offences, Honour Judge Newton-Price KC said: 'You chose victims who were vulnerable and less likely to complain.'

Doctor Mohan Babu at Portsmouth Crown court where he was sentenced today for a number of sexual assaults against patients, April 12, 2024

Doctor Mohan Babu at Portsmouth Crown court where he was sentenced today for a number of sexual assaults against patients, April 12, 2024

In 'horrendous' acts the father of two ordered one woman - who had terminal pancreatic cancer and has since died - to take her top off before groping her. Pictured January 8, 2024

In 'horrendous' acts the father of two ordered one woman - who had terminal pancreatic cancer and has since died - to take her top off before groping her. Pictured January 8, 2024

At his trial the court heard he was the most-complained about doctor at Staunton Surgery in Havant, Hants, and had been given repeated warnings over his behaviour after joining in April 2018.

The court heard he targeted 'vulnerable' women after being recommended by his wife, Dr Aroline Rodrigues, 43, who also worked as a GP at the surgery.

In June 2019 Babu left a now-deceased 57 year old woman 'shocked and frozen' when he asked her to lift up her top to check for lumps and touched her after her recent cancer diagnosis.

He then moved his hands under her lower body clothing, under her skirt and only stopped when she asked him to, it was heard.

The court heard the woman could see his erection, before he said: 'I'm helping you, you need to touch it so I can help you.'

The brother of the complainant who had since died, said in a victim impact statement read to the court: 'My beloved sister deserved the dignity of her final months, this man desecrated her final months.' 

Prosecutor Miranda Moore KC said: 'This wasn't simply a doctor abusing the trust placed in him by a patient.

'This was someone at the time who was dying.

'He specifically targeted, in every case, someone who was specifically vulnerable.

'These were all ladies who were suffering emotionally as well as physically in some form.'

Fiona Horlick KC, defending, said that Babu had scored 48 out of 50 on a test for autism and added: 'It has a very severe and significant effect particularly on his personal life, this would have had an effect on offending.'

She said that Babu had been suspended by the General Medical Council (GMC) and added: 'He has lost everything he would consider of value to him, he will never work as a doctor again, he will not be coming into contact with patients, he won't be back in that position of trust again.'

The court heard that Babu qualified as a doctor in 2001 and came to the UK in 2006.

In victim personal statements read to the court, one woman said her life had been 'ruined' by the sexual assault.

The brother of the woman who died said: 'This conviction is a bitter-sweet victory of justice which can now be served for these horrendous sexual offences.

'A man that [his sister] should have been able to trust but who committed these acts for his sexual gratification.

'My beloved sister deserved the dignity of her final months, that man desecrated her remaining time on earth.'

Babu also assaulted two other women who he kissed on the cheeks, touched the breasts of, called them 'cute' and asked for hugs.

He also told her 'I'm not having a bad day' as he touched their breast, the court heard. 

Judge Newton-Price said that the examinations were unnecessary for their treatment and he acted out of his own 'sexual gratification'. 

Reading her statement to the court, one woman said: 'I was targeted when I was vulnerable.

'It has essentially ruined my life. I still struggle to admit what happened.

'I don't know if I'm ever going to be right again.'

His final victim said the incident had led her on a 'dark, downward decline'.

'I got to a point where I couldn't even wash myself in the shower because I felt so dirty,' she said.

'I cried every day for six months.'

Sentencing Babu, Judge James Newton-Price KC told him that he abused the trust of his patients.

He said: 'I regard you as an intelligent man who could think logically and was capable of making choices regardless of your autism.

'I do not consider your autism caused or contributed to your offending. You chose victims that were vulnerable and less likely to complain.'

He also made Babu subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years and placed him on the sex offenders register for life.

Mohan Babu leaves Portsmouth Crown Court, Hampshire, where he was accused of five sexual assaults against four women between September 2019 and July 2021. Pictured March 27

Mohan Babu leaves Portsmouth Crown Court, Hampshire, where he was accused of five sexual assaults against four women between September 2019 and July 2021. Pictured March 27

Sophie Stevens, deputy chief crown prosecutor for CPS Wessex, said: “Mohan Babu abused his position of trust as a GP to carry out vile assaults which left patients feeling violated.

“Sadly, one of these women passed away before Babu was convicted - but the CPS was determined that her voice be heard and we successfully applied for her evidence to be presented to the jury alongside these other women.

“Their voices, all heard in unison, painted a clear picture of offending and convinced the jury Babu was guilty of these assaults.

“Our suspect-centred approach to dealing with allegations of sexual assault - which are handled by specialist prosecutors - means we always focus on the behaviour and actions of the suspect, and not the victim.”

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